Datuk Anthony Lamb received his MA in Agriculture from the University of Cambridge in the UK. He has over 50 years working experience in Sabah, first with the Agricultural Department at their Research Station in Tenom, when he helped to introduce many new fruit crops and ornamental plants. Subsequently he helped set up the Tenom Agricultural Park, next to the Research Station, with its unique collections of wild fruit trees and native orchids, which he has been studying for over 30 years. He has jointly described more than 150 new plant species and authored/co-authored books on native Orchids and Hoyas, wild Gingers, wild Fruits, native Rhododendrons and Nepenthes pitcher-plants. He currently works part-time for the Department of Forestry, identifying species in their orchid herbarium and living collections, and was awarded the PGDK in 2015. He is married to Anthea Phillipps.

The title of Agnes’ first book about the then North Borneo, ‘Land Below the Wind’, has become the unofficial motto of Sabah. The phrase was used by sailors to describe all the lands south of the typhoon belt, but Agnes popularized the special connection of the phrase with Sabah, by applying it exclusively to North Borneo in her book. Agnes Keith died at age 80 in British Columbia, Canada. (Adapted from Wikipedia)